lago nero Pievepelago - Discover Pievepelago

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lago nero

lago nero

Since parking at the lifts (1309) Valley Sestaione, you start to rise gently along the dirt road that, Winter, is the ski run called "Red". After Crossed the bridge over the river Sestaione, continues to rise following the Signs of the red-white trail No CAI 104. Close to a close Curve (approximately 1 km) left to take the mule track that runs Corsican parallel to the river and finally, after an easy ford and Steep climb, we reach the path n. 102 coming from Boscolungo (GEA-MPT) Deposits near the municipal drinking water (m. 1490). Continue to Left for a few hundred metres through a grove of spruce (1), then turn right onto a path along the climbing fossetto Surrounded by plants of raspberry (2) that, with rising short (15 minutes) Reaches the broad plateau of glacial basin of Lake Nero. Above, on Left, it is possible to observe a mugo pine grove (3). Turning Right in a few minutes we reach the Black Lake (m. 1730) (4).
The return can be made along the path n. CAI 100-MPT up Of the Foce Campolino; along the route you can see in the rocks Sandstone many "mufflers" (5). Dall'impianto lifts descend a short That stretch of trail, connecting with the route of track skiing "Blue" through the right side of the valley running along the Sestaione Boundary of the Reserve Oriented Campolino (6). It finally reaches the plant Lifts (our starting point) in a total time of about 2.30 Hours.
1. Red Fir (Abies Picea) High up to 40-50 metres, right leg, foliage Conical; pinecones couples pending 10-15 cm long. Leaves of aghiformi Dark green color. Prefers wetlands and some 'acids. He often Rooting superficial. In this area the spruce was already 8000 Years ago, to have the widest possible dissemination 6000 years ago, from then on the Beech began to occupy areas increasingly extended by the regress Relitte colonies fir.
2. Lampone (Rubus Idaeus) Shrub perennial top with about 1 meter runners Strips that grows very well in mountain areas beyond the 3000 metres. I Its fruits are red with dark-red and many are excellent drupeole For syrups, jams and liquors. The collection is subject to regulation.
3. Mugo pine (Pinus Mugo) Pino nano arbustivo with ascending branches and up to 3.5 Meters, which forms spots in the groups above the upper limit of the forest. Some specimens have been reintroduced into the mountains in the area of Lake Nero. They are observable along the stretch of trail (n.100 CAI), which connects the lake with Of the Foce Campolino.
4. Black Lake: Lake of glacial origin place in a "basin" due to Sovraescavazione of an ancient glacier. The lake (the name derives from the dark A reflection of its waters) are two varieties of tritons, and the crested Alpine And its shores can observe a variety of garlic and poisonous Mezzereo red berries, very similar to black currant. Near the lake there is a small Refuge (unattended) whose keys are available from CAI Pistoia.
5. Exhaust: The sand and pebbles, dragged by the whirling motion of the water, Erodono time in the harsh surface of the rock, generating characteristics Cylindrical cavity: "exhaust". In the bottom of each pot is Can see the debris that they dug.
6. Natural Reserve of Campolino Oriented: The reserve stretches on the Right Sestaione Valley high with an area of about 100 hectares and A share between 1442 1850 m: Foce of Campolino. The reserve was set up to protect some Populations of indigenous tree species rarely constituted the By red.
7. Pernice (Lagopus Mutus) Reintrodotta oriented in the Reserve of Campolino, Pernice dwells on stony mountain ridges with sparse vegetation. The Female gray fulvo is matched at the end of spring and lay average Half a dozen eggs in a nest repaired by low vegetation and Rocks. The male is darker color guard of his family and emits Grattanti and sounds deep in the event of danger.


vertical drop Climb m. 430
Length A. / R. 8 km
Time Walking a. H. 1.30 / R. H. 0.50
type Path Dirt road, mule track, trail
Equipment Binoculars, camera, shoes mountain, Cape, borax
point Departure Lifts Valley Sestaione. Accessible by Abetone detour right at Fontana in Vaccaia Pian direction of Novello
Signs CAI 104 white-red
Difficulty Average

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