places of interest in pievepelago Pievepelago - Discover Pievepelago

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places of interest in pievepelago

places of interest in pievepelago

Staying in Pievepelago you can not miss a walk along the historic Via Vandelli. Used fully since 1798, the road, starting from Modena, climbs the Apennines to the top and continue until arrive to the Tyrrhenian Sea. Large tracts have been fully refurbished while the most spectacular mountain tracts remained almost unchanged. Along this tracts are practiced hiking, horseback riding, biking and excursions with small suv.

In Roccapelago, the oldest inhabited places of the town, is the Rocca of Obizzo. Recently restored, inside there are frescoes dating from around 1500 and a permanent exhibition of historical artifacts dating back to the Middle Ages and the Risorgimento. The nearby village of Sant'Andrea offers the unique spectacle of Celtic huts stair-shaped roof and the Torrione remnant of a larger fortification built when the town was dominated by Montegarullo.

On the border with the neighboring town of Riolunato rises the Ponte della Fola, a bridge with some characteristic humpback shaped arch, crossing the river Scoltenna. The bridge, built in stone following the express will of the community and the government, has perhaps Roman origin but the certified first facts date back to around 1028.

Particularly striking is the event that takes place on the day of Corpus Christi named Infiorata. During the festival the streets of the center are covered by a colorful carpet of flowers arranged to form pictures with a religious theme. The origins of this tradition, jealously carried out by villagers, although the preparation and flower arrangement requires time and skill, is lost in time.

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